Overall 25% Update Post

Currently development of the core gameplay mechanics have been completed! Steven has been the core coder and has been hard at work implementing the changes we made after the research paper. Jai has been working on some of the lower end framework and setup scenes to help expediate the development process once Steven moves to finish off the more technical aspects of the back end development. The note reading system is in place, and fine tuning for accuracy and a pass or fail system is already underway.  Theres still some 'game feel' aspects that need coded into the UI which will be done for the vertical slice at the 50% marker.

Meanwhile Noah, Sandy, and Ky are all working on concept art, and finished pieces. Often bouncing them back and fourth between everyone for opinions and tweaks to fit the visuals and moods that the graphic novel portion of the game will be utilizing.  Scav and Melody headshots, expressions, error popups, backgrounds, and UI art are all currently still in development but good headway on all of these fronts is being made. More than enough for a clean vertical slice with all the bells and whistles a fully realized level would have. 

Get Galactica Melody

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